Grace and Ashlyn, ALL of the baby angels are truly missed! ((hugs))
Please watch with love and compassion. Our daughter had just had the Tracheotomy and as you will see we never saw her passing coming. This about 3 weeks before she died. She was smiling and just a joy. She is very swollen from all the steroids they had to give her. :(
I know I only have one reader and actually that makes me feel safer at this time! She is so precious to me and God knows I would never let just anyone into my private pain and grief litterd life if they truly did not understand!
She was born almost 3 months early. Her due date was June 16th and she just couldn't wait and came March 21st. So tiny and beautiful. I admire her fight. I have loved for the first time. Not just with my heart like I did when I married DH but loved with my soul. She has left a footprint to little and fragile on my heart, soul and mind! I love you Gracie. Mommy misses you to the moon and back!